Jun 1, 2021
For episode 8 we talk about Mental Health.
A subject that we should always talk about and normalise. And something that I have plenty of experience with.
We talk about mental health illness including depression, SAD, grief, being sectioned.
We talk about medication, talking therapies and what we can do to help friends who maybe experiencing mental health issues.
We mentioned some resources who can help
Samaritans https://www.samaritans.org/
NHS Page full of great advice on how to find counsellor’s in your area https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/talking-therapies-medicine-treatments/talking-therapies-and-counselling/counselling/
Step Change www.stepchange.org
Citizens Advice https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk
For more info on Lynn and Becky, check out our websites. https://www.mrsmummypenny.co.uk/
Music copywrite Dan Greensmith